Welcome to Virginia Grove!
Welcome to Virginia Grove Donna and family! We absolutely loved hearing Donna’s story about finding her perfect block of land at Virginia Grove after looking for over 12 months…
Virginia Grove: Hi Donna! Tell us all about your block at Virginia Grove…
Donna: We are just over the moon – it took us way over a year to find the perfect block. I have to say there were so many times I wanted to give up. We feel so lucky!
VG: So how did you know this was the perfect block for you?
Donna: We had been looking for so long, and we didn’t want a skinny block. We wanted a large block – wide and deep. We found this block at Virginia Grove after looking for so long – we waited for two days before we called to put it on hold and in those two days it had been placed on hold by someone else! That feeling was the worst feeling ever – I then called Mena every few days asking if the sale had gone through. I was so persistent – I felt bad calling him all the time but I definitely chased him for over a month which felt like forever!
Another phone call been made to Mena and he said ‘Can I call you back?’. Then not long after recieved a message saying ‘Donna, could you please call me when you can, thanks’. All that mixed emotions running through our journey but it felt great just knowing it had to be good news!
VG: Well persistence pays off! Well done that is incredible! Tell us about who you’ll be moving to Virginia Grove with?
Donna: My husband has a capsicum farm and he works so hard, and it will be just down the road from us. We have three children, and we are across from the reserve and the playground. When we go to visit the block they cannot believe that we are going to be living here! They’re over the moon.
VG: So why did it take so long to find your dream block?
Donna: We are planning our forever home and we wanted it to be perfect. We looked at other new developments but the blocks are smaller – and we wanted to be close to Virginia as it has everything you need. My husband is a fisherman so we definitely needed storage space, we wanted a corner block to be able to fit a decent size shed. We had specific things we were looking for!
VG: So tell us about the home you’re building?
Donna: We’re still working on the floorplan – we are taking our time we don’t want to rush into it. We want to make sure we have everything we need. We are going through it all slowly and want to make sure it’s right for our family and what we want. We want the kids to stay with us when they’re older for as long as they can – they’re not little forever so we want a design that suits older children too.
VG: That’s a smart way to think about it – what features have you got to make sure it will suit older children too?
Donna: I have two boys and a girl – the boys’ bedrooms are next to each other with a retreat right in front then my daughter’s room is at the back of the house so she has her own space too. I chose two long awning windows for each side of the wall instead of a single large window in the plan so she can put a television in her room later down the track and have her own space away from the boys – I also gave her a walk-in-robe for more wardrobe space.
VG: How important was finding the right block for you guys?
Donna: It was key. We really wanted things like drive through access and side access. My husband wants to buy a family boat one day so he can take the kids fishing. Also I want to have space to customise the floorplan. I have planned a laundry and mudroom that connects the house to the garage, so when my husband comes home he can put his clothes straight in the machine and there’s an extra toilet there also for when we are entertaining people can come in from the patio to use that bathroom. The space was absolutely key for us.
VG: How was your experience with Mena?
Donna: He was so patient and helpful – I really felt like I was calling him so often he might get annoyed with me but he was so kind and he really understood and helped us so much. He was so easy to talk to and we were so lucky to have him help us with getting this block! He made the experience so easy!
VG: That is so good to hear! Lastly Donna – what are your tips for people trying to find their perfect block?
Donna: Be patient. Be positive. And be persistent. And don’t compare yourself to others – it might seem your friends or other people secured their block and have started building – but remember everyone is different and you have to wait for the block that suits you and your family. What we absolutely believe – if it’s meant to be yours, it will be yours even if you don’t try! Just believe, always! And your dreams will slowly come true at your own pace. Never give up!
To find out more about making Virginia Grove home – please call Mena on 0452 134 626.